South Asia Studies MA Courses, Current and former terms

MA Course List, Spring 2025
MA Course List, Fall 2024

Above is a list of approved courses for the MA Program in South Asia Studies for the current and upcoming semesters, and below are previous semesters.  Upcoming courses are usually listed by early April for the Fall and Summer terms, and early November for the Spring term.   Upcoming course lists are works-in-progress, and will be updated as new courses are added to the term schedule.  Very few graduate level courses are offered in the Summer term, but students may usually register for Directed Readings or Supervised Thesis Research in the Summer terms.

Students are not limited to these courses for the MA in South Asia Studies, and may select courses that are not listed.  Any course not on the list will require the approval of the MA Director in order to count the credits toward the M.A. degree.

All students must register for Full, Half, Quarter or Extended Residence in any term in which they enroll in classes.  These call numbers are also listed under "Graduate School of Arts and Sciences" in the Department listings of the Directory of Classes - they are for all GSAS students and are not unique to the MA Program in South Asia Studies.

For additional information, including updated class location and modality, visit the Directory of Classes at

All South Asia Studies MA students must submit their proposed term registration to the MA Director for approval.   Other courses may be found on the Directory of Classes, and may be considered for approval.  Undergraduate courses do not count toward the MA degree, but in some cases, may be taken for graduate credit with the approval of the instructor and the MA Coordinator, provided that graduate-level work is produced beyond completion of undergraduate work

Course Lists from previous terms are included. Many courses are offered annually, or on a  regular schedule.  A separate list of all undergraduate and graduate courses can be found on the Course List menu. 

In some cases, MA students may enroll in undergraduate courses for graduate credit by completing all of the coursework assignments and producing an additional graduate-level final paper or project.  In order to enroll in an undergraduate class for graduate credit, our MA students must have the permission of the course instructor, and a plan for production of graduate work in the context of the course to present to the MA Director for approval.

MA Course List, Spring 2024
MA Course List, Fall 2023
MA Course List, Spring 2023
MA Course List, Fall 2022
MA Course List, Spring 2022
MA Course List, Fall 2021
MA Course List, Spring 2021
MA Course List, Fall 2020
MA Course List, Spring 2020
MA Course List, Fall 2019
MA Course List, Spring 2019
MA Course List, Fall 2018
Khumb Mela, Allahabad